Honor Ridge Academy Code of Conduct

Honor Ridge Academy lives every day by the following Code of Conduct:

1. Respectfulness

  • We will be polite, and we will expect others to be polite to us in return.

  • We will respect other people and their property.

2. Responsibility

  • We will all accept responsibility for our own actions.

  • We will strive to complete what is expected of us.

3. Cooperation

  • We will all follow rules and directions in all areas.

  • We will lend a hand to others.

4. Self-Discipline

  • We will all use appropriate language at all times.

  • We remain in the program all day.

5. Self-Determination

  • We will put forth our best efforts while working toward daily improvement and goal achievement.

6. Honesty

  • Be truthful, sincere and straight forward.

  • Do not lie cheat or steal.

  • Do not intentionally mislead others.

7. Courage

  • Stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone.

  • Do not cave in to negative peer pressure.

8. Trustworthiness

  • Keep promises. Be a person of your word.

  • Be reliable and follow through on your commitments.